Sunday, January 20, 2008

Aufgefangen - I got you

Dieser Baum steht bei uns im "Fruechtefeld". Im Winter ist er besonders auffaellig u kuerzlich, als ich ihn sah, dachte ich "Einer trage des anderen Last"...das ist aus dem Galaterbrief.
This tree is in our 'fruit field'. In winter it stands out and the other day, when I looked at it, I thought "Carry each other's burdens"...from the letter to the Galatians.


Gudl said...

When you look closer you can see that the one tree is dead and the other one continued to carry it, let its branch get thicker to be able to hold it. I was pondering how we can relate this to our lives. Yes, we should carry each other's burdens but on the other hand we have to be careful, that we don't carry things around,that are 'dead' , like old habits or what else?

Wenn man genauer hinsieht, dann bemerkt man, dass der eine Baum tot ist u der andere hat sich arrangiert, indem der Ast sogar dicker wurde,der die tote Last haelt. Ich dachte, wie kann ich das auf mein Leben beziehen u da fiel mir zum Beispiel ein, dass ich vielleicht alte Gewohnheiten mit mir rumtrage, die ich loslassen sollte, oder was sonst?

Amrita said...

That 's a very important lesson in tody 's world Gudl.People have become so busy and selfish too that they just remember to live for themselves.

Mike's Travels said...

What a great illustration Gudl.

Martha said...

Yes, we need to let go of that which is dead and useless and hold on to that which brings life. And in helping bear others burdens we can also gain strength.

Wanda said...

What a wonderful lesson Gudl! I love clicking on the picture to see the full extent of your illustration.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

there's a lot to learn from this.

judi/Gmj said...

:) thanks for the affirmation.