Yesterday we went to the local farmer's country store to buy shavings for the barn when we came accross this fellow. He was sitting underneath the loading truck, very relaxed, I guess he knew we could not get to him. Notice that he sits on one foot, the other one is underneath the feathers to keep it warm. I am sure that there are a lot of mice in and around the store and that's why this guy was there.... waiting.
Gestern sind wir zum Farmer-Laden gefahren um Streu fuer den Stall zu kaufen, als wir diesen Kerl sahen. Er sass unter einem Lastwagen, der gerade verladen wurde. Ganz relaxed, weil er wusste, ich konnte nicht naeher an ihn kommen. Seht ihr, wie er auf nur einer Kralle sitzt? Die andere ist unter den Federn eingezogen, um warm zu bleiben. Sicherlich gibt es in u um dem Laden viele Maeuse u deshalb war er da und wartete....
Wie toll das Bild von dem Falken!!
Sieht man ja nicht alle Tage so nah, super!
Yes, that is a Coopers Hawk. It is a young one or we say, "immature" and you can tell by the streaks on the breast and also it has yellow eyes. An adult does not have the streaks in the breast but a horizontal brown color irregular in size but horizontal. And also the adults have red or reddish eyes, and not yellow. Congratulations on the fine shot.
I just put up a photo of a downy woodpecker eating peanut butter on my birds blog.
I was just going to say it sure looks like one of Abe's hawks only a baby!!
How fun that you got this picture. He's much cuter than his older counterpart. Doesn't look so agressive.
Very good the photograph, this young falcon likely it is in danger from some wound.
It wants some care.
Exists in each city a service that attends wild birds and animals.
You've got to love all the birds on blogs lately and this young fellow is a handsome one.
Handsome fellow!
That is so cool. I like hawks, but have never been that close to one.
Oooo, scary! I would not want to be a mouse. (Melli)
Oh, don't make mouse noises! Great capture of this Hawk.
Beautiful creature. God made each one so unique.
Looks well fed.
Absolut cool!
We have one of these visiting our feeders occasionally. This is a good picture.
Great picture! He was AWESOME to see in real life, too! He was so pretty...
WOW! GReat shot! Very cool!
How cool to see the german word for Hawk. My dearest friends have that last name! They live in Canada now. They have a blog on my links.
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