Thursday, January 03, 2008

Of course you 'guessed' it is indeed Daisy having breakfast. I just love her fuzzy face.
Did you enlarge the photo? It is much better in large.
Natuerlich habt ihr es alle erraten, dass es Daisy ist beim Fressen.
Habt ihr das Foto vergroessert? Da sieht man es viel besser.


Kim said...

I just have to tell you that every time I look at your blog I think, what a sweet life you seem to have. Your land and animals look so nice and your house looks so cozy, kind of like a retreat house.

I think I'm going to pop in for the weekend to relax and take a walk and read a book and drink some tea...oh, and have a good laugh with you too!

Well, it's a bit of a drive for me but if it were closer I'd be tempted.

Wanda said...

Gudl, I think we all feel like Kim. You send out such warm and friendly vibes. Your farm, your home, your animals you out look on life and your love of God...what a wonderful combination. We love you.

Isadora said...

It is cute and actually, would make a worthy shot framed.

By the way, you too have changed the photo for your profile. New Year, New Look! Nice.

Gudl said...

Thank you Kim and Wanda, that was nice of you two to say. It really is very peaceful out here and I feel very blessed and I am very grateful.