Here you can see Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal on our patio. I always enjoy their visits! More great bird photos HERE!
Hier koennt ihr Herr u. Frau Kardinal auf unserer Terrasse sehen. Ich freue mich immer ueber ihren Besuch.
Andere, tolle Vogelbilder koennt ihr HIER sehen.
That is a nice photograph. When you can get the couple in one or two pictures it is excellent. Nice work.
Very good photographs, amazingly and a lot beautifully the birds, in Greece we do not have this species.
I'm always surprised that bright red birds exist in the U.S. They just look so...tropical. Our version of the cardinal here on the west coast is the Stellar's Jay. They look very similar to the Cardinal, but are a brilliant blue with a dark blue/black cap on their heads. Beautiful pictures you took!
Wow, das erste Bild ist ganz toll! Wie immer :-)
il est magnifique. superbe photo
It is wonderful. Superb photo
Nice to meet you...we had a beautiful cardinal here on our deck too...I was reading Little Women to my children and my 8 year old (Princess Sunshine) let out a shriek that a cardinal was making a call!
(we just learned the word "call" (visit) from Little Women!)
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
J'ai eu un Award "You make my day" (voir mon blog). J'ai le plaisir de te donner ce même prix.
I had an Award "You make my day" (see my blog). I am pleased to give you the same price.
How nice to meet Mr. & Mrs. They are delightful, and I would welcome them on my porch anytime.
Really nice camera work!!
Es ist toll, wenn man Tiere vom Haus oder der Wohnung aus beobachten kann, ich genieße das auch immer. Bei uns sind es ja hauptsächlich die Eichhörnchen im Garten, aber es verirren sich auch öfters mal Vögel auf den Balkon (wenn er nicht verkleidet ist), aber es ist mir noch nie gelungen, sie gut zu fotografieren.
Liebe Grüße, Monika
How beautiful. That male cardinal is such a vibrant color. I would enjoy their visits too!
Cool! We sure don't see many cardnals here in town.
Actually...Allen is wrong. I see a cardinal couple from time to time in my yard. I'm sure they live nearby.
I'll never forget the flock of cardinals on Dunja's feeder last year. I had never seen so many at once!
Just a note...
the duck on my birds blog just returned this afternoon.
Yes, I do see it. Thanks for the link. I appreciate it a lot.
They are beautiful!
I love your little forest!
I love cardinals!! this is beautiful!
They are so smart!
Great bird shots! I love Cardinals... we don't see those out here... enjoy them there :)
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