But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9
Ihr aber seid ein auserwaehltes Geschlecht, eine koenigliche Priesterschaft, ein heiliger Stamm, ein Volk, das sein besonderes Eigentum wurde, damit ihr die grossen Taten dessen verkuendet, der euch aus der Finsternis in sein wunderbares Licht gerufen hat. 1 Petrus 2,9 (Sonnenaufgang letzte Woche)
WOW, what an awesome picture! It's so pretty, such cool colors! Great job!
When I saw your picture all I could think was "wow!" I was just going to put "WOW" for a comment and nothing else,and then I saw what mellimaus put and I laughed...you surely have a gift! God created the tapestry and you captured it on your camera! WOW :)
Wunderschoene Stimmung, tolle Farben, tolles Foto! ....und immer, immer wieder geht die Sonne auf...kennst du das Lied noch?
WOW!!!! Als würde der Himmel brennen...
GLG Isabelle
Amazing photo.
cool pic!!!
Love this! We used this passage in choir practice on Thursday. Blessings Gudl.
Wonderful light indeed. Thank you for sharing.
What a perfect picture and scripture. The colors are wonderful and I felt peace just gazing at it.
that is beautiful!!
magnifique, on regarde et on rêve
Beautiful, we look and dream
Hi Gudl. Thanks for the comment. I think the Lord may be asking me to give up my other Blog. I'm finding that particularly hard! Watch this space.
Beautiful picture and verse. i love orchids. Tried growing them but they can 't survive the intense heat of the summer.
What an awesome picture and what an awesome God who would give us so much to enjoy!
Wonderful scripture!
Isn't it amazing how many colors come with the sun setting or rising! and it only last for a short while. I feel blessed with everyone that I witness.
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