Zur Zeit fahren wir fast jeden Tag an den See, denn es ist hier im Moment sehr heiss (hurrah! endlich Sommer!) Da kommen wir immer an diesem Blumen-Schmetterling vorbei u ich dachte, ich zeig ihn euch einmal.
Right now we are going to the lake almost daily, because it is very hot (finally summer!) We always pass by this flower-butterfly and I thought I show it to you.
Hmmmm, maybe I should try doing something like that in my little garden bed in the backyard. You've given me an idea for next year, Gudl.
I'll bet your family is enjoying that lake a lot!
Ich hab das gleiche Bild gemacht
Soo pretty! That is really neat! I wish I had enough room in my yard to do that! :(
Very pretty butterfly. Yes, this summer is very hot, but at least we are also getting rain, so the streets (at least, around here) are green and shady.
Nature at its best....what a nice sight to pass by each day...!
thanks for visiting my blog...
We are almost neighbours..divided by Lake Ontario..
Liebe Grüße Gisela
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