Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Dragonflies in the Little Forest

We see a lot of different dragonflies everyday. Some are big and some are small, some are black and some are colorful. Here is one of them.
Wir sehen jeden Tag viele Libellen. Manche sind gross u manche sind klein, manche sind schwarz und manche sind bunt. Hier ist eine davon.


Priscilla said...

And they eat mosquitoes!

Olivier said...

voila un bel animal qui (comme le dit priscilla) mange les moustiques et je deteste les moustiques. J'ai un sang qu'adore les moustiques, alors je me fais piquer toutes les nuits

a beautiful animal which veiled (like priscilla says it) eats the mosquitos and I hate the mosquitos. I have a blood which adores the mosquitos, then I am made prick every during the night

Anonymous said...

A handsome dragon fly and that they eat mosquitoes is a great bonus. I am also surprised the chickens do not eat them.

Thank you for stopping and commenting about my jet airplanes flying through the atmosphere and leaving contrails.

Brookville Daily Photo

Lori said...

I love dragonflys. Their wings are so pretty. You've captured such a beautiful shot here!

Angela Marie said...

This is a beautiful pic!

Have a wonderful day!

Wanda said...

What a great picture. Soft background and flower, and that dragonfly just jumps off the screen. Very very nice.

Rachel said...

I had no idea dragon flies ate mosquitoes, that's great! He is beautiful, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Great photo of the dragonfly!

Norwich Daily Photo

JO said...

Beautiful... WOW WOW!