Walking on our trails I passed this little fellow. He was hiding behind a tree and my dog didn't see him!!
Auf unserem Waldweg kam ich an diesem kleinen Kerlchen (Murmeltier) vorbei. Er hat sich hinter einem Baum versteckt u mein Hund hat ihn tatsaechlich auch nicht gesehen!
Leider kann ich das Murmeltier - das wahrscheinlich auf einem Foto zu sehen sein wird -nicht sehen, denn ich bekomme die Seite nicht richtig geladen. Schade! Aber bei Murmeltier musste ich gleich an den Film "Groundhog Day" denken, die einzige Verbindung, die ich zu Murmeltieren habe. So was gibt es hier ja nicht.
Hast Du eigentlich schon die Bilder vom Weinfest gesehen? Das Wetter ist ja ziemlich durchwachsen dieses Jahr, aber ich glaube, für die Winzer ist das gerade gut.
LG, Monika
how much wood could a wood chuck chuck?
did you see him chucking?
or chuckeling?
he is adorable!
we call them ground squirels here and the ones we have in eastern oregon are huge.
very nice picture!
You got a nice shot of him. I don't think I've ever seen one up close like that. He has cute ears!
Has he gotten in your garden yet? You might not think he's so cute if he does.
T and I were on the same page, as soon as I saw the picture, I started reciting...how much wood could a wood chuck chuck....! How fun, what a delightful post!
Ooooo, the garden! I didn't think about the garden until Priscilla mentioned it. When we lived in town there were woodchucks living in the junkyard next door. One year when we planted a garden they decided to move in and dug a big home right smack in the middle of it. No fair! A family of woodchucks doesn't go along with growing veggies.
We have a fence around the garden because of the deer and so far so good....no unwanted animals.
Our garden though is not doing as great as last year. I wonder why....
Oh my goodness! The little forest has such BIG critters too! Wow! That is big.
I was thinking of your fence...but woodchucks are good diggers!
Aww!! He's so cute! There are so many cool things in the woods here. :-)
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