Friday, August 31, 2007

And what is this? - Yes! Cucumber! (Gurke)

Well, most of you knew it! It was indeed a pepper plant (yesterday's photo)! Honestly, I would have not known this a couple of years ago, because up until then I never had a vegetable garden! That's why this is all so 'interesting' to me!! And that's why I will give you another chance to test your knowledge!! Thank you all for your interest and participation.
Die meisten von Euch haben es also gewusst! Das von gestern war eine Paprikapflanze! Ehrlich gesagt, haette ich das selbst vor 2 J. auch noch nicht gewusst, denn bis dahin hatte ich nie einen Gemuesegarten! Daher ist das alles so 'interessant' fuer ich! Und deshalb duerft ihr nun auch noch mal raten. Was ist das? (Vielen Dank an alle fuer euer Interesse u Teilnahme!!)


Priscilla said...

Summer squash?

Anika said...

no idea...once again!! very pretty though!

Martha said...

Larry Boy!

Aren't the babies cute too!

Angela Marie said...

squash... I don't know what kind though. Butter? Spagettie?

Love this game!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Ha! I was right!!

Pedi said...


Anonymous said...

Pumpkin or pickle vine or cucumber as it is commonly called. I think that is what it is. Since I never grow squash I never said that.

And I was among those right yesterday. How about that.

Martha said...

At first I thought maybe squash but the blossom seemed almost too small. The little cucumbers in the background gave it away. They're all too familiar.

Heike said...


Anonymous said...

I know!!!! Cucumber!!!!!!!!!

Wolfgang said...

Ich rate mal auch mit: Gurke, Zucchini oder Zierkürbis

T said...

well I thought tomato.....but martha's comment tipped me off about the littel I vote cumber plant....but i really couldn't tell.

Anonymous said...

Zuccini oder Kürbis

Gudl said...

Hello everybody,
yes, this is a cucumber plant!
Very good Martha and Abraham and Wolfgang and Melissa!
Thank you for your participation!!
Very good!

Wanda said...

Yes, from wild flowers when I left, to veggies when I return...A lot happens when your gone, yes?