Tuesday, August 07, 2007

More Blossoms in the Little Forest

I always see this plant (not only on our property) but I don't know the name. Anybody out there who knows it?
Ich sehe diese Pflanze nicht nur bei uns sonderen auch an anderen Stellen, aber ich kenne den Namen nicht. Kann mir jemand helfen? Jutta?


Anika said...

Hmm..I don't know what it's called, but its really pretty! I love your flower pictures!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

don't know, but it's pretty. :)

Olivier said...

je ne connais pas cette fleur, mais elle a quelque chose de majestueux.

I do not know this flower, but it has something of majestic.

Angela Marie said...

No, but the color is so pretty!

Martha said...

That is a Red Sumac. It doesn't make you itchy like the "poison" kind and is called "red" because the leaves turn bright red in the fall. Around here they grow kind of like a short bushy tree. We have some here too.

Priscilla said...

Hey! I knew this one! Martha beat me to it.

Lori said...

I wouldn't have know it was Red Sumac. It's a pretty photo though!

Anonymous said...

Sumac, Martha said. I think that is right. It is something I stay away from but she says it is OK.

Nice picture.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

Hallo Gudrun,unsere neue Nachbarfamilie hat exakt diese Pflanze im Garten.Wenn ich ihn sehe frage ich nach dem Namen.
Ich denke es ist eine Zypessenart,bin mir nicht sicher.Habe gerade 4 Bücher durchgeschaut sie aber nicht gefunden.Wirklich eine schöne Blüte schöne Blätter.Kann ein Baum werden,der hier nebenan ist recht gross.

Gudl said...

Thank you Martha, for the name. In German it is called "Essigbaum"....thanks to my friend Sabine who sent me an email!