I am reminded of Psalm 42:1
"As a deer pants for streams of water,
so I long for you, O God."
Letzte Woche fuhren wir unsere Strasse entlang u kamen an diesem Grundstueck, das einen Teich hat, vorbei u sahen das Mutter-Reh mit ihren zwei Jungen.
Es erinnerte mich an Psalm 42:1
"Wie der Hirsch lechzt nach frischem Wasser, so lechzt meine Seele, Gott, nach dir".
Aww!! They are so cute! That is really adorable. I love the babies too.
Love the picture, and that's one of my favorite verses.
Simply beautiful~
Ist das goldig!!
I hope they were able to get some water. I always keep several concrete dishes I made filled with clean water in the winter and summer. I think animals appreciate that. When in drought conditions like here now, they can't find anything to drink so have to migrate distances to find a drink.
Thanks for coming to my blog.
I never took any photos of the tomatoes growing along the Ohio River. They were in all stages of development. All were planted through black plastic. Then there would be a field of just rows of plastic with little green things sticking out. Then another field with small plants and then larger plants in the next field and so on to full mature plants. None were ripe then. THere were just miles of the fields right beside the river.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
Nice photo!
I hope they found the water they were looking for. They are such delicate and beautiful creatures.
That it beautiful house made out of wood, my dream!, I had rented some like that there in Quebec.
How cute! I love deer.
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