Saturday, August 25, 2007

Flowers in our Fruitfield


Anika said...

were those pictures taken recently? I dont remember that many flower...very pretty!

Angela Marie said...

Do you ever have these sitting in vases around the house? They are beautiful!

Gudl said...

Anika, thanks for stopping by!
I took the photo while on Aug.8. (the photos are dated) Now it is blooming even fuller.

Angela, nice to see you, too!
No, I never have them in vases. At least not big ones. Sometimes I have little flowers in the bathroom at the sinks.

Anonymous said...

I must say that you have been surrounded with an endless field of flowers. Did you plant the seeds or are these wildflowers?

Thank you for visiting my blog and for commenting there.

Annie said...

It is lovely to leave the beautiful flowers in the fields; they last longer and reseed there so you will have beauty again next year and next year and on and on.