Saturday, August 04, 2007

Blue Sky....

above our friend's barn where we were Ponies-sitting last week.
Blauer Himmel ueber dem Stall unserer Bekannten wo wir letzte Woche mal wieder auf die Ponies aufgepasst haben.


Martha said...

I like it! Do you think there are any kittens hiding in the hay up there?

Anonymous said...

It is an all metal barn which should make the rain sound very loud inside. Does that scare the animals inside or are they used to it.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

JO said...

So pretty - I love this pic - one of the most peaceful memories I have was a morning I spent tucked away in a huge barn like this one :-) Lovely post

Wanda said...

What a blue sky...In my watercolors that would be "cobalt blue"....Lovely.

Gudl said...

Abraham, thanks for stopping by! No, this barn is not all metal, just the outside siding is.
Is is actually very cozy inside that barn.
But I know what you meant. Our garage is all metal and when it rains it is loud inside. But we have no animals in the garage, so it is not a problem!

Angela Marie said...

Okay, I see this and I want to jump from that window down into a pile of hay!