Monday, February 18, 2008

Reality Check

These two photos are taken from almost the same spot. Last week and last summer! There is always hope...
Diese zwei Aufnahmen sind fast an der gleichen Stelle aufgenommen. Eine letzte Woche u eine letzten Sommer! Bleibt uns die Hoffnung...


Anonymous said...

ACK, you're teasing me! Don't show such wonderful pictures! Grrrrrrr...I don't like "Old Man Winter"...

ft. lauderdale daily photo said...

Wow. What a difference a season makes. Just got back from Colorado, where it snowed briefly yesterday morning. I am happy to put away the fleece and boots now that I am home!

Anonymous said...

Was ein Unterschied diese beiden Fotos.
Ich wünsche Euch das Ihr bald den harten kalten Winter,den vielen Schnee bald hinter Euch lassen könnt.

Olivier said...

les deux photos sont très belles, mais je préfère la version sous la neige (mais parce que je suis en manque de neige ;o) )

Two pictures are very nice, but I prefer the version in the snow (but because I am a lack of snow ;o) )

Lori said...

Wow, what a difference! That's a great idea for a post. The scene is beautiful in both seasons. Now you'll have to show us a spring and a fall shot too!

Mirjam said...

Da kann man nur noch sagen: Noch etwas Geduld und die ersten grünen Blätter kommen zum Vorschein!
Haltet durch!

Wanda said...

What a perfect comparison...!! I love the hope of Sring!!!

Mike's Travels said...

Wow. Isn't it amazing how one gets used to the seasons? I crave the green foliage and the blue skies.

KOSTAS said...

Hi Gudl Splendidly last posts, the photographs marvellous but also the comparison of your last photographs amazing.
The difference is big!
The each season has her beauties and we should him we were glad and him we enjoy!

kristina said...

I like the pictures. I can't wait for summer.

Priscilla said...

ME too!!!! Warm weather will come again!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I love the green!! I'm like you, come on summer!!

Unknown said...

Haha wow, I forgot how green the world can be in our forest!

Anonymous said...

It is amazing the difference.

JO said...

Don't worry the season will pass soon... enjoy the beautiful snow in the mean time -some of us are so lucky to get to see so much of it. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh mann was ein unterschied, doch der naechste Sommer kommt bestimmt, nur noch 3 Monate dann siehts schon wieder anders aus!

Angela Marie said...

Oh wow! I remember coming to this post and not being able to see the green photo of summer. What a difference and what is to come!

Days by the pretty lake!
Ahhhhh! splash!