Today is a glorious day! It is very cold, but the sun is shining. Almost daily Abby and I walk around our property, which takes us about 25 Min. Here we are on the way back, up our driveway. It is very steep and only cars with all-wheel-drive make it up the hill in winter, when it is covered with snow and ice.
Sometimes people walk up, because they think it is a short walk, but then they arrive huffing and puffing, because it is a quarter of a mile long. Or we get a phone call from people telling us they can't make it up.
Heute ist ein herrlicher Tag! Es ist sehr kalt, aber die Sonne scheint. Fast jeden Tag laufe ich mit Abby eine Runde um unser Grundstueck, das dauert ca. 25 Min. Hier sieht man Abby auf dem Weg zurueck in unserer Einfahrt. Sie ist am Anfang ziemlich steil u nur Autos mit Allradantrieb schaffen es im Winter hoch, wenn die Einfahrt voller Schnee u Eis ist. Manchmal enscheiden sich Leute hochzulaufen, aber wenn sie ankommen sind sie am Schnaufen, weil sie es sich nicht so lange vorgestellt haben (1/4 Meile) .Oder manchmal bekommen wir einen Anruf u jemand sagt us, dass er unten steht und nicht hoch kommt. :-)
Abby looks really cute in that picture! Great shot!
Hey, it's me!
Aren't I SO cute?
Nice picture of me! :-)
Hahhahaha, wahrscheinlich würde ich Dich auch anrufen: Bitte Gudl, hol uns ab ;o)))
Ein süsses Bild, mit dem Schnee (oder ist es sogar Eis?) an der Schnauze!!!
Herzlichste Grüsse und ein tolles Wochenende!!!!
Is Abby feeling better these days? She is lucky to have such a wonderful place to live, far away from the road. And yes, it was a beautiful day!
Oh cute you look with your little white beard.
Yes,Martha, thank you for asking, Abby is finally good again. The cough is gone (it was caused by lung worms...yuck....she is still getting dewormer daily, but she is fine now)
:-) She looks like she got into a dish of ice cream or something!
Pretty Abby!
I wouldn't want to walk it!
Abby loves her walks AND the snow!
That is a long driveway. And we, Patty and I, could not make it up in winter as we both have breathing problems in the cold. We might be able to get up that far in the summer though. I like the picture of your beautiful dog.
Ha! Don't you love it when dog's get a muzzle full of snow? I'm glad to hear that Abby is finally feeling better. Lung worms? Sounds nasty. That's different than the initial kennel cough diagnosis, right? Or is that the same thing?
I'd walk that driveway in an instant if I knew that you and Mellimaus were waiting for me on the other end with a cup of hot tea or coffee (and maybe a nice slice of Zuckerkuchen! :-)
Ihhh, die arme Abby, Lungenwuermer, wie eklig!
Ihr habt ja einen Winter oh mann...
Does look si cold
Does look si cold
Does look si cold
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