It felt good to be out in the sun.
Gestern war es auch hier sonnig u ich bin mit einer Freundin durch unseren Wald gelaufen. Mein Sohn lief hinterher u hat die Fotos gemacht. Wie ihr sehen koennt ist unser Grundstueck huegelig. Es war schoen draussen in der Sonne zu laufen.
Hi! Nice picturesque blog..i loved the snow capped mountains pics..keep posting more..i will come visit my blog too!
Lovely to see the sun on the snow.
Beautiful photographs. It is nice to be out and about. Makes us appreciate the warm fire when we go inside.
Der Winter - wie im letzten Jahr, noch in guter Erinnerung. Man hat ja Hoffnung... es wird in 100 Jahren wieder so ein Frühling sein! Liebe Gruesse aus Kiedrich (hab schon zweimal auf Terrasse in der Sonne gesessen)
What beautiful photos. It looked like it was the perfect Sunday stroll. I like your pink hat!
Gestern war ja wirklich ein traumhafter Tag. Das muß man sich mal vorstellen.....24.02. und man läuft im T-Shirt rum.
awww I want to go walking too!
very nice. I love the snow. you are blessed my friend you are blessed.
Ah, your area is so beautiful....I can see that you love nature in a way that most Europeans do.....All the best with the restaurant..
Your walk in the woods looks refreshing. Yesterday was beautiful, as was today. Tomorrow? Well, we'll just have to wait and see.
This was nice to see. What a wee bit of snow you have. Ours is piled high in the mountains!
It's wonderful to be surrounded by such a lovely landscape! I bet you enjoy a lot these bucolic walks in the woods.
What a nice treat, to get to walk with a friend in such a beautiful atmosphere!!
It looks like Lake Tahoe in the Winter...we will be there the week after Easter...then the move!
gut seht ihr aus! Sonne tut doch so richtig gut, oder? Bei uns ist fuer morgen 3-8 inches Schnee gemeldet. Also ich hab die Nase voll. Nice blue jacket by the way! Blue is the new red...(jedenfalls bei mir, ich hab mir ne blaue Tasche zugelegt)
The sun needs to work harder!! :)
COOL pics - looks like you had a wonderful walk... I bet Abby was glad to join you :)
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