Thursday, June 19, 2008

Daisies ~~

Right now we have a lot of them! They make everything look so cheerful. In the background you see our house.
Zur Zeit haben wir viele Margeriten, die alles so freundlich aussehen lassen. Im Hintergrund sieht man unser Haus.


Anonymous said...

I just pulled up a lot of them so they do not reseed in the same place. It is the only way I can seem to do it.

Something different from me
Better Blog Writing

JO said...

What wonderful pictures! You live in such a beautiful place! Enjoy your season!

Olivier said...

au fond on voit en effet la maison dans cette belle plaine.
basically we see in fact the house in this beautiful plain.

Anonymous said...

Hatten wir auch.....hier blühen nun die Mohnblumen

Wanda said...

I agree, I think daisies are happy, cheerful flowers...I love them.

A bouquet in a glass vase on a table is so attractive. In the field, they are so lovely too.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

beautiful :)