Every summer when I walk our trails I see these bugs. Aren't they cool? So neon green? I don't know their name, so if anybody can tell me that would be great!Thanks to Gregor I know the name now! Very cool, thank you!
Six-spotted Green Tiger Beetle - Cicindela sexguttata.
Jedes Jahr im Sommer fallen mir auf unseren Waldpfaeden diese Kaefer auf. Sind die nicht interessant? So neon-gruen! Ich weiss wieder mal nicht wie die heissen; wenn mir jemand den Namen nennen koennte, das waere toll!
Gregor hat den Namen gefunden! Vielen Dank!!
Six-spotted Green Tiger Beetle - Cicindela sexguttata
Ich weiss den Namen nicht, aber der Käfer sieht toll aus! Obwohl Käfer nicht meine Lieblingstiere sind, finde ich ihn schön!
"Ein toller Käfer!" Was die Natur doch an schönem hervorbringt.
Danke für die Bibel Webseite und Deine Grüsse an uns.Hab sie gleich in meinen Favoriten abgespeichert und werde sie auch weitersenden an meinen Frauenkreis.
Whoa I did not know we had green bugs like that around here.
*shudders* I hate little bugs that look like that. They creep me out.. :]
Hi Gudl....we're back from our little journey to Georgia...been missing all my blogging friends so today is catchup...I've enjoyed each of your post...a fine looking little bug found in your lovely forest...best wishes...Dee Dee
il a une superbe couleur, on dirait un vert fluorescent
it has a beautiful color, it looks like a green fluorescent
Very cool bug - even cooler shot! Great job! :)
PS My due date is 8-14-08
WOW, woa, that is a really cool bug! Cool pic!
How about a Six-spotted Green Tiger Beetle?
They must be called "Emerald Delight" Emerald is my birthstone...wouldn't he look cute in a ring.
Gudl: I posted the hens today. I'm not happy with my work, but they are what they are.....your hens are much prettier.
LOL:) Wanda
Es gibt so faszinierende Tiere! Toll!
Just popped in to say, "Hi." I have been busy just trying to answer all the comments I had been getting and forgot to post at Midnight last night so this date, June 26th, I got some free time. LOL
I like your photograph of the green beetle and while I did check the link and learn the name I have not seen one here where we live. I wonder what their food source is.
Wow! Amazing. Looks like it would fit in perfect in the Amazon jungle!
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