Hello everybody! I am back!
Tired, but happy.
We had a wonderful time in my fatherland. Here you see a photo of the river Rhine valley, where I grew up. The building is called the Pfalz bei Kaub.
I have many photos, but I am slow these days. I am suffering from jet lag. So this will do for now.
Hallo Ihr alle! Ich bin wieder da. Muede, aber gluecklich.
Wir hatten eine wirklich schoene Zeit in meinem Vaterland. Hier seht ihr ein Foto vom Rheintal, wo ich aufgewachsen bin. Das ist die "Pfalz bei Kaub".
Ich habe eine Menge Fotos gemacht, aber zur Zeit bin ich sehr langsam...ich leide unter der Zeitumstellung. Daher erst mal nur dieses hier.
Ach wie schoen.....
How about that. Welcome back home. I am looking forward to seeing some of your photographs.
Schön das du wieder daheim angekommen bist! Dann ruh dich erst mal ewas aus...
Your fatherland is beautiful. How wonderful that you were able to make the trip... look so forward to more pics when you get over your jet lag, and rested a bit.
Was ist es doch am Rhein so schön :-)
Ja wirklich schön der Rhein und wir die hier wohnen fahren garnicht oft hin.
Welcome back! What an interesting building. I wasn't sure if it was a castle or a boat at first. You must have seen some beautiful sights on your trip. We will look forward to more of your photos!
I'm glad you're home! I like that picture, it's so pretty, with the moutains and sky and river...that's so cool that the building (castle?) is in the middle of the river! It's so pretty...
What a fascinating photo Gudl! It's great to have you back with us.
im so jealous...i want to go "home" as much as you do!!!! i cant wait to go again...
hope you had a good trip
superbe ce château au milieu de la rivière, il a une architecture très spécial, j'aime beaucoup.
this beautiful castle in the middle of the river, it has a very special architecture, I like very much.
Wow! Does the water ever rise there? It looks like that building is IN the water. Beautiful!
WELCOME BACK! Missed your posts!
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