Monday, April 21, 2008

Swimming with the Stingray - click on photos!

Today the ocean was smooth as glass. The sun was shining and at one point we were on our patio and looked out and saw this huge stingray swim along the shore. The people in the water were unaware of it. Here you see a man playing in the water with his kids. Eventually the stingray noticed them and turned and headed out to sea. Later in the afternoon we were very courageous and went swimming again ;-)
Heute war der Ozean spiegelglatt u klar. Die Sonne schien u um die Mittagszeit waren wir auf der Terrasse u sahen einen riesengrossen Stachelrochen am Ufer entlang schwimmen. Die Leute im Wasser haben ihn nicht gesehen u weiter Ball gespielt etc. Irgendwann ist er dann abgedreht u ins Meer geschwommen. Am Nachmittag dann sind M. und ich totesmutig ins Wasser denn es war heiss!!


Priscilla said...


JO said...

Very cool shots! I swam with some snorkling in Hawaii! What a trip they were... Beautiful creatures.

Olivier said... première photo est superbe, on voit que tu profite bien.

Waouhhh .... the first picture is superb, we can see that you benefit.

Mussipitz said...

Wundervolle Bilder... wirklich traumhaft...

btw... I love your new blog outfit...



Mike's Travels said...

Oh my goodness, aren't those dangerous? You're very brave.

Pedi said...

Wow, was für ein tolles Wasser und diese Fotos sind einfach klasse

Dorothy said...

We have a little thing we do before walking into the water...It's called the "stingray shuffle" scares them away :) So glad your having so much fun....:)

HannaPurzel said...

WAHNSINN!!!! Tolle Bilder!!!! Eine tolle Zeit habt Ihr dort ;o)))
Ganz liebe Grüsse

Anonymous said...

Einfach sagenhaft

Rachel said...

Your daughter looks a little nervous swimming with those stingrays. Lol! The ocean is so beautiful! Glad you're having fun!

Dunja said...

Courageous...I would never go swimming in there.I did not even swim in the the ocean, only in the crystal clear waters of the island.I hate open sea.An encounter with a thing like that..I would freak out.

Anika said...

Thats cool, you can see the sting ray form so far up. In the picture with you in it, if you enlarge it, theres something near you.... do you know what it is?

Anika said...

With my last comment, is it a stingray?!

Unknown said...

Hey that's pretty cool. Love the picture of Melissa, I chuckled when I saw that one.