Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Wood Work

I don't know whether this is the right title for the post. What I meant, my husband had work with the wood that fell during the stormy winter days onto our trails.
We had two big evergreens that blew over and last weekend my husband had the chance to cut them up and free the paths.
Mein Mann hatte Arbeit im Wald! Im Laufe des Winters hatten wir paar Mal starke Stuerme u zwei Baeume sind auf unsere Waldpfade gefallen u haben den Weg versperrt. Am Wochenende nun hat mein Mann sie zersaegt u die Wege wieder frei gemacht.


Anonymous said...

Es gibt immer was zu tun.... packen wir es an:-)

Olivier said...

cela fait bizarre de voir la foret sans la neige, cela fait triste je trouve

It is bizarre to see the forest without snow, it is sad I think

Lori said...

That looks like a giant tree that fell. He must have had his work cut out for him!

Kostas said...

It should it is cut, is released the small street in the forest, at least remained lumbers for your fireplace!

JO said...

quite a chore - but such a lovely reward in the end.

Mirjam said...

Oh man, ganz schön anstrengend! So ein Wald ist ja schon was schönes, aber macht auch viel Arbeit.

Dorothy said...

It seems... "a man's work is never done"...Perhaps good fire wood...I do so love a visit to your little forest...Dee Dee

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I never get tired of looking at trees!

Wanda said...

Can you use the trees for firewood?

Lot's of work ahead of your husband, yes?

didoajrk said...

Die Fotos auf deinem blog sind wunderschön. Vielen Dank für dein Gebet. In den letzten Tagen hat sich viel getan.

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