Saturday, April 05, 2008

This photo was from last June in the same spot!
Diese Aufnahme ist von Juni letzten Jahres an der gleichen Stelle!


Anonymous said...

Is that Queen Anne's Lace flower?

This is nice photography. I like everything about it -- light color, shadow, texture.

I hope you can visit my blog and read about my hospital visit.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.

Dorothy said...

What incredible beauty ...and just around the corner...I am excited for you all..:) Dee Dee

HannaPurzel said...

Sooooooo schön!!! Und wenn ich mir vorstelle, dass es bald wieder so ausschauen wird... Och, ich möchte, dass der Sommer mit schnellen Schritten kommt ;o)))
Ganz liebe Grüsse!

Anonymous said...

Bleibt die Hoffnung das es wieder so schön sein wird.

Mary Timme said...

Wow! What a difference between years. That's sort of what is happening here this year too. Sigh!

Mellimaus said...

I prefer green over gray-LOL!

Wanda said...

Oh that is so interesting that within a couple of months, everything will be green....I love that you have shared all your seasons with us.

Love and Hugs

Anonymous said...
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