Friday, April 04, 2008

Snow Melt in the Little Forest

Not much going on here...
Just that we have 'rivers' and 'creeks' in places where normally everything is dry. In the valley, in the shade, are a few snow patches left. Otherwise spring has sprung!!
Hier gibt es nicht viel Neues...
Wir haben nun halt Baeche u 'Fluesse' an Stellen wo es normalerweise keine gibt. Nur im Tal, im Schatten, liegen noch Schneereste. Ansonsten ist hier nun auch der Fruehling auf dem Vormarsch!!


Lori said...

I can see some green in that picture! You must appreciate the spring all the more after all of that snow. I'm glad to live in a place that has different seasons! This is a lovely photo.

Wanda said...

Are are so many different sights and sounds in your little forest. I can almost hear the water melting and making a little stream.

Love your world.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I see some life there! :)

Mike's Travels said...

At last!!

Anonymous said...

Endlich Frühling oder?

stadtgarten said...

Ich glaube, "bei Euch" könnte es mir auch gefallen (auch wenn der Winter so lange dauert) Ein schönes Bild, das viel Ruhe ausstrahlt.
Ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Monika

JO said...

I bet you are sooo happy!
Flowers will be popping up soon.

Dorothy said...

What a lovely place you live...I can't wait for the spring pictures ...Dee Dee

Martha said...

Yeah for spring! I can hardly wait for the green to return.