Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Little House in the Forest

Early yesterday morning I went out and snapped this picture.
If you enlarge it you see that there is also light in barn :-)
Gestern am fruehen Morgen bin ich raus u habe dieses Foto gemacht. Wenn man es vergroessert, sieht man, dass im Stall auch Licht ist.


Olivier said...

une belle maison sous la neige, les illuminations de noël réchauffent la maison ;o) cela rend très bien : neige et illuminations
A beautiful house in the snow, Christmas lights warm the house ;o) makes it very well : snow and illuminations

Heike said...

Was ein tolles Winterbild. Sieht sehr schön aus.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I saw the light in the barn. It is a nice house you have too and a nice setting for the estate. Nice work.

Gudl said...

Hallo Heike, vielen Dank fuer deinen 'Besuch' u deine netten Kommentare immer. Es freut mich von dir zu hoeren!

Mirjam said...

Ganz tolles Bild! Sieht so richtig winterlich schön aus!

Amrita said...

This house looks like a gingerbread house I 've seen in magazines.Lovely.

HannaPurzel said...

WUNDER-TRAUM-WINTER-WEIHNACHTLICH SCHÖN!!!! Ein tolles Bild!!! Wir, vor allem die Kids, warten SEHNSÜCHTIG auf Schnee...
GLG Isabelle

Mike's Travels said...

Oh Gudl, you live in a fairy tale land. :)

Abby said...

That's a nice picture, of the house in the snow. It's so cozy...

Gemma said...

Sehr schön! So weihnachtlich! Da kann man glatt neidisch werden auf so viel Schnee!

Gudl said...

Ja, und es schneit heute schon den ganzen Tag weiter!!
Ich bin froh, dass ich nirgends mehr hin muss!!

Yes, and it snowing all day already! I am glad I can stay home now.

Lori said...

Your house is so pretty and you have so much snow! Wow, it's like a winter wonderland!!

Rachel said...

It looks so beautiful there! I love the snow right now. It looks so pretty on the trees.

KOSTAS said...

Dear Gudl
From the good moments this with snowball.

Priscilla said...

It does look so cozy. A good day to stay in and bake or drink tea...Unfortunatle I had to work today...but I made it home safe and sound. Lots of snow.

Martha said...

Yes, a good day to stay home and bake or paint or... something. I had to venture out just a little before noon and the roads were treacerous.

Gudl, your house looks lovely!

Marie said...

What a lovely blog you have:).

I wish we had that snow.*sigh* But it is over a hundred degrees here(Australia).

I hope your doggy is feeling better?:).

May I add your blog to my own?

Peace to you:)


Annie said...

The snow on the garland seems just right. It looks like Christmas there.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...


Wanda said...

Prettier than a Christmas Card! I just love your home and your setting. It brings me pleasure just looking at it. Thanks!

Pedi said...


Wolfgang said...

Hier scheint der Weihnachtsmann zu Hause zu sein. Das könnte ich meinen Enkeln erzählen, weil man es sich soo vorstellt.
Wünsche einen schönen 3. Advent


Shelly said...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Your home looks so feastive with all its lights glowing in the snow.

HaBseligkeiten said...

herrlich Dein Besuch bei Dir, bei dem Schnee kommt richtig Weihnachtsstimmung auf, eine schöne Zeit wünsch ich Dir, liebe Grüße Heidi

Andrea's Garden said...

Hallo, das sieht so richtig weihnachtlich aus. Leider sind bei uns nur die Bergspitzen bedeckt. Auf den richtigen Schnee zu Weihnachten warten wir leider noch. LG aus good old Germany, Andrea

Angela Marie said...

This is beautiful! I saw the light in the barn. And the wreath hanging on your porch! I could almost feel the crisp air hit my face and the crunch of the snow as I walked out with you to take this picture of your house!
