Friday, December 07, 2007

You need to hear this guy sing! (this is a link)
Diesen Mann muesst ihr singen hoeren!


Anonymous said...

Voll cool, echt!!
Das ist aber schon eine ganze weile her das der mann so beruehmt wurde!
Aber wirklich beeindruckend!

Anonymous said...

Like some people in the audience, when I heard him sing, I got tears in both eyes and I am so happy for him. I think he will become a great opera star. Nice. Very nice singing.

Gudl said...

I guess he is already on his way to fame. I scrolled down on that page and saw his second appearance on the show. Now I was interested and I googled him. Turns out he has a blog! He is already performing in different countries. Good for him!
I had tears in my eyes, too!

Amrita said...

Absolutely amazing...he sang like Pavarotti. I like Nessum Dorma