I took this photo on Sunday, when it really snowed for the first time, so much, that the snow plow came. But TODAY! We are snowed in! No school today. The perfect day to bake Christmas cookies!
Dieses Foto habe ich am Sonntag gemacht, als es das erste Mal so stark geschneit hat, dass der Schneepflug kommen musste. Aber HEUTE ! sind wir eingeschneit! Heute faellt die Schule aus. Also ein guter Tag um Plaetzchen zu backen~
j'espere qu'après le cheval a droit à un bain chaud ;o).
c'est beau a voir et cela donne envie
I hope that after the horse has the right to a warm bath; o).
It is beautiful to watch and it makes you want
Nice photo and I suppose she is very happy that school is out today because of the snow.
We are suppose to get between 2 and 4 inches of snow.
When I was little, during World War II, we had to walk to school. Our schoolhouse was out in the country. And it was one-half mile out and one-half mile back in the afternoon. We walked into the wind as our wind always came from the West. It was really cold some days and in those days they did not have snow plows or road salt or anything so we often walked out in the farmer's fields as the snow was pretty level there, being blown off the fields.
Your photo today reminded me of those days so long ago.
Waaaassss Ihr seid schon eingeschneit?Ist ja der "Hammer!" Hier ist von Schnee und Winter nix zu spüren;haben Regenwetter bei 6 Grad Plus,iiiiiihhhhhhgggggiiiiitttt Wetter:-(
Schönes Foto von Melli und du Daisy Mae
Ihr habt´s gut eingeschneit und Schulfrei ;-) Davon können wir hier nur träumen, es regnet und stürmt wie immer.
Na, dann wünsche ich euch auf alle Fälle, dass es nicht zu schlimm wird mit dem ganzen Schnee ! Zuviel ist ja auch nicht gut.
Unsere Kinder haben auch einen Adventkalender. Von Playmobil, da gibts ein
Thema z.B Waldweihnacht und am 24.12. ist die Landschaft fertig und man kann spielen. Mir fiel einfach nichts mehr ein für die Päckchen.
Liebe Grüße
How very beautiful. That white snow, the dark horse and the splash of red on the vest!! Great photo for a card too!
Lucky you (and your daughter)! I used to love a snow day. That sounds like a great idea to stay in and bake cookies! Have a fun day!
Yes....we are snowed in too. Although my kids have been in and out several times already. Puddles all over the floor!
Looks lovely. I'm hoping we get a little here in London. A rare occurence these days.
We are not snowed in but I had a day off babysitting because Troy's daddy works at FLCC.
Oh yum, Christmas cookies!
We only got a few flakes of snow and a bit of ice here in Pa. My little son was disappointed, he wanted to have a snow ball fight, but it doesn't work too well with ice. (smile)
yum! cookies!
Our kids were hoping for a snow day, but didn't get their wish. We only ended up getting about 6 inches of the fluffy white stuff.
oh it looks so cold!!!
Fun Fun Fun!
Frueher Winter, ja. Momentan bin ich noch gar nicht wild darauf...
Most people don't bother with riding when it's too windy or snowy.
Your daughter is truly dedicated to her horse and must enjoy being outside very much, too.
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