Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Busy Bird Feeder

These days we see a lot of birds at our two feeders. On this photo in the right corner you can see how two of them are fighting over the food! It was kind of funny to watch them. They were at it for quite some time!
Zur Zeit haben wir viele Voegel an unseren zwei Futterhaeuschen. In der rechten Bildecke sieht man wie zwei sich um das Futter streiten. Es war lustig ihnen zuzusehen, denn sie waren eine ganze Weile am streiten.


Anonymous said...

I like that feeder.

Also saw the suet feeder is empty.

I do see a lot of Gold Fincheds and one White-breasted Nuthatch and one finch having at it with another. Nice photograph. Really stopped the action.

Thanks for visiting my bird blog.

Olivier said...

Il est superbe ce restaurant à oiseaux ;o) belle photo

It is this superb restaurant in birds ;o) nice photo

Lori said...

That's a great action shot of the birds. You get a nice variety of birds there. I'm sure they love having the food now that it is winter!

Priscilla said...

I enjoy watching the birds too. It has been a little spoiled here be the squirrels though.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I always love watching them.
(I'm so excited that you're getting my book! Let me know what you think. )

Anonymous said...

Hallo aus Deuschland! Was für tolle Fotos! Soviel Schnee! Ein Traum, wie schön ihr es habt!!
Vorallem die Vogelvielfalt, wahnsinn..

Ich wünsche euch weiterhin eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit mit Schnee und tollen Überraschungen.

LG Tina

Wanda said...

Oh Gudl that is such a fabulous shot. Love how you caught the action of the flight/fight in mid air!! Wonderful job! :)

Kerri Farley said...

Wow - love that action shot of the birds! Very neat. I love your feeder too!! We are supposed to get some snow/sleet over the weekend so the birds will probably be out in full force tomorrow and Friday to stock up on some food.

Mike's Travels said...

Great photo Gudl!

This I Do...

Angela Marie said...

There is plenty of food for the both of them! Silly birds. I like watching them too.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

The birds are lucky to have you keeping their smorgasbord full for them during this snowy weather.