Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Feast


Anika said...

Are you all clapping or what?

Gudl said...

Yes, G. had just put the turkey on the table and everybody started clapping spontaneously. It was great.

Anonymous said...

I thought maybe it was a solemn kind of prayer. Nice though that everyone, probably hungry, began clapping. It is a lot of work to fix a meal like that and then it is over with very fast and then the clean up begins.

Anonymous said...

Was ein schöner Tisch,welch grosser Truthahn:-) Ich denke es hat Euch allen sehr viel Spass gemacht an so einer grossen Tafel gemeinsam zu essen.
Würde mir auch mal wieder gut gefallen viele Freunde und Gäste willkommen zu heissen bei uns zuhause.
Schönes WE Euch allen

Mike's Travels said...

That look so fantastic. Wish I was there!

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Luna und Luzie said...

Wow, sooo feiern wir Erntedank hier aber nicht.
Bei uns gibt es leider erst zu Weihnachten Gans, dabei läuft mir bei d e m Anblick das Wasser im Mund zusammen.
Ich brauch dann ja nicht mehr zu fragen, ob ihr ein schönes Fest hattet, man sieht es ja :-)
Ein schönes Wochenende !

Priscilla said...

Happy Thankgiving. I just got your note about having coffee Monday or Tuesday....butI didn't read it until today (Friday). Oops! Perhaps this coming week sometime?

Dunja said...

We also had a nice day...check out our turkey on my blog....

Heather said...

I was wondering about the clapping, too. That is pretty cool to have everyone clap when you put dinner on the table. Maybe I will leave a hint for my family that applause would be appreciated!

Gemma said...

Toll!!! Das war sicher ein sehr schöner Dinner-Abend!

Unknown said...

puhhh- ist der Vogel groß!!! Kenn ich hier gar nicht aus Deutschland! Schau gut aus!

Anonymous said...

auch so ein super Truthahn wie wir hatten, lecker!!

Wanda said...

What a wonderful family shot! Huge Mr. Tom Turkey...wish I could have been there!

T said...

who would not clap with a Turkey like that! you have set such an elegant
table! it is beautiful!
thank you for sharing it.