The other day I looked out of the bedroom window and saw this! The photo is a little blurry because of the window pane, but I didn't want to chase them away. They were eating the acorns that fell from the tree there. In about 2 weeks the real hunting season starts (right now only bow hunting is allowed)
Kürzlich schaute ich aus dem Fenster u sah diese Tiere! Das Foto ist etwas unscharft wegen der Fensterscheibe, aber ich wollte sie nicht vertreiben. Sie essen da Eicheln die da liegen. In 2 Wochen fängt die richtige Jadgsaison an. Im Moment ist nur Jagen mit Pfeil u Bogen erlaubt.
Wie gross ist der Wildbestand bei Euch?Da gehts den lieben Tierchen ja an den Kragen....oweia:-(
Schiesst Dein Mann auch Wild ab und esst Ihr es anschliessend?
Schade,bisher habe ich hier noch nicht ein Reh im Wald gesehen.
Wir haben sehr viel Wild. Deshalb darf ja gejagd werden. Ja, mein Mann versucht auch eins zu erwischen. Letzes Jahr hat er eins erlegt u wir haben es eingefroren, nachdem es beim Metzger zerlegt worden ist. Mama hatte hier auch Wildbraten davon gegessen.
It is sad that animals are killed for sport. If people need the meat to eat to survive then I think that is OK but a lot of people here where I live just kill animals to be killing something. I don't much like that.
I like your photograph this morning. I remember my friends in Canada who had deer come to their kitchen window each morning looking for Esme to give them some apples. She always gave them some apples when they came and had to buy apples at the store when she had none. She also had to fence her garden with a very high fence to keep the deer out of there. But she loved them so much it didn't really matter much I suppose.
Thanks for your visit to my blog and for your comment in my birds blog.
The deer are very active in this area at the moment. Those deer have cute little faces.
Mike! lol
They are so cute with their big ears. I especially like the second photo. It's like he's looking right at you!
I love these photos! Deer are so cute! I shoot throughwindows/glass too, especially when I try to get the birds that come to my feeders on the deck. Otherwise when I open the door... they all fly away.
Wow, wie nah die am Haus dran sind!
How beautiful! Took it through the window, huh...reminds me of a picture of a "turkey". Are you sure it wasn't stalking you!
Have a great day your post!
mmm doesn't your hub bow hunt? was he salivating? I would be...I love deermeat....OLDMANLINCOLN......that is too bad about your people
there. sport killing is not I like to eat em.
but they are soooo cute too.
My husband hunts, but we eat the meat, too. Last year he got only one deer. This year so far nothing.
Die Rehe scheinen ja sehr zutraulich zu sein, wenn sie sich bis in die Nähe der Häuser wagen. Ein Eldorado für Tierfotografen!
Arg!! Run Bambie, Run!!!
your picture are amazing!
They are beautiful. You are so lucky that they come to you. :)
I can't quite relate to hunting though. I am reminded of Leonardo Da Vinci's quote - Hunting will be a noble sport the day rabbits carry guns. ;)
If people would not hunt deer, here in our area, we would have way too many deer! It is regulated.
As long as people really use the meat, it is fine with me. There are actually food cupboards for the poor who take the deer meat and distribute it.
So in two weeks Bambi will be in our freezer.
Mike: You're breaking my heart!!
Wow! That's really cool, that they were so close!!!!!!!
I hope they find a good hiding place.
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