This is the center piece from our Thanksgiving table. My godchild and I thought it up. She made it and it came out great, so I had to show it to 'the world'....
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The food was delicious and plenty and the company lots of fun! We laughed a lot!
Das war unsere Tischdekoration an Thanksgiving. Mein Patenkind u ich haben uns das ausgedacht u sie hat es gemacht. Ich finde es ist toll geworden u so wollte ich es der Welt mal zeigen. Wir hatten ein sehr schoenes Fest. Das Essen war sehr lecker u viel u die Besucher nett u wir haben viel gelacht!
That is the nice part about holidays. I think it is the get together of family that is more important and then a good meal is just a bonus.
The centerpiece looks great!! She did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very nice!
Das habt ihr sehr schön gemacht!
Sieht schön aus Eure Tischdeko. Und nach meiner Erfahrung am Donnerstag kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass Euer Thanksgiving Dinner sehr lecker und opulent war!
Ein schönes Wochenende, LG, Monika
That's a great looking center piece. She made a beautiful creation.
What a very nice centerpiece!
I love the mixture of red and purple in your decoration. It glows with such warmth.
What a lovely centerpiece. And special that you made it.
Lovely centerpiece! Great job!
Your godchild is very creative. Well done!
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