Yes, we are waiting for Christ's birth to be celebrated.... Christmas time is here! Here you see the newest creation of my godchild from Germany! She made this advent wreath yesterday with branches from our woods. It was a yucky day outside, with lots of rain and fog. We were inside, sipping tea, eating pie, at the warm get the picture!
Ja, wir warten auf Christus' Geburtstag... die Weihnachtszeit ist nun hier! Das ist das neueste Werk meines Patenkindes aus Deutschland! Sie bastelte diesen traditionellen Adventskranz aus Zweigen aus unserem Wald. Es war eklig draussen: Regen, Nebel - wir waren drinnen gemuetlich bei Tee, Kuchen u ein Feuer im Ofen brannte....koennt ihr es euch vorstellen?
Nice display. I also looked inside your stove and saw the fire bricks held in place. It is a reminder that we used to have a similar stove and tried to heat our house and save some on natural gas but it ended up costing a lot more for us to buy the wood. At that time it was over $100.00 a cord and everyone tried to cheat on what size a cord is. LOL. So we gave it up after I learned that I had asthma and emphysema and was not able to smell the smoke and ashes. But the little stove worked and put out plenty of heat for the room it was in.
Ahh, and it was wonderful!!!
noël se rapproche, bravo pour la création de ton filleul, elle est très belle cette décoration
Christmas is approaching, bravo for creating your godson, it is this very beautiful decoration
Beautiful arrangement! And it sounds like you had lots of fun!!!
Sehr schönes Adventsgesteck! Ja, das kann ich mir gut vorstellen, wie gemütlich es war bei Tee, Kuchen und Kaminfeuer!!
Sounds like a good day to me. I miss having company to sip tea with.
And what a lovely picture it is. Mmmm.
Quick Snap 365
Sounds cozy...inside doing crafts and then sitting by a warm fire sipping tea on a yucky, drizzly day. Today started out good, but is just as yucky as yesterday now.
It sounds like you had a lovely day.
What a lovely Advent Wreath! I love that tradition. The house looks so warm and friendly.
Looks nice..I wish I was in the Christmas Spirit.
sounds so nice... lovely wreath. Enjoy the fires... we have been building one ever night here too - although it is a bit warmer here at night... in the high 40's
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