Friday, November 09, 2007

Our Shed

This shed is in the vicinity of our house, where the trail begins. In summer we cannot see it, but now we can. In 'pre horse times' it used to house the riding on lawnmower, but now it is full of hay for Daisy-Mae!
Diese Huette steht in der Naehe unseres Hauses, am Anfang unseres Waldpfades. Im Sommer koennen wir sie nicht sehen, aber nun schon. Bevor wir das Pferd bekamen war das der Platz fuer den grossen Rasenmaeher, aber nun ist die Huette voller Heu fuer Daisy-Mae!


Anonymous said...

Gut sowas zu haben.
Hier hat es vorhin angefangen dünn zu schneien....mal sehen wie das WE wird.

GiuCe said...

that place looks so nice and quite!

Lori said...

I guess the roof is sloped like that to keep off the snow in the winter. It looks like you have lots of hay for the winter time!

Martha said...

Nice photo. And a nice place to hide if you want to get away for a while. I'll bet your cats like it in there!

Anonymous said...

We hope to build a shed in our garden next summer. Yours looks nice.

Wanda said...

Kind of like my cellar! If I had a horse, I could store hay in it!!
Love your post!

Mike's Travels said...

A little refuge if you get lost in the woods.

JO said...

"Full of Hay for Daisy - Mae" Sound like a title to a great book - or a line in a country song - LOL!

Anika said...

Thats cool! We use our shed for hay also!