Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Still some leaves left...

Die Baeume sind noch immer nicht ganz kahl. Wie schoen!


T said...

I see that stump out there and it looks like a perfect nut stump. meaning a place for some squirrel or bird to crack their nuts to eat on.
very pretty

Martha said...

I'm always disappointed when hunting season begins and we have to stay out of the woods. It's so pretty late in the fall.

Gudl said...

Martha, I feel the same! It is a pitty, that we are afraid to go through our own woods!!! That's the time when I walk on the road with the dog.

Lori said...

Yes, you'll have to stay out of the woods during hunting season! This is a beautiful scene with the leaves on the trees and on the ground.

HaBseligkeiten said...

Hallo Gudl,
bin durch Zufall auf deinem Blog gelandet und der Titel "Little House in the Forest" hat mich neugierig gemacht. Ich lebe auch in einer Waldeinsamkeit, natürlich ist er im Vergleich zu Eurem Wald ein Wäldchen. Werde Dich nun öfters in Deinem Wald besuchen, liebe Grüße über den großen Teich,

Dunja said...

Here we have still more leaves than you!

Mike's Travels said...

Our leaves are dropping to quickly too. More lovely autumn shots.

JO said...

boy! Looks like I made it there and back just in time... pretty soon the snow will fall... is it getting chilly yet?

Anonymous said...

Recht kalt geworden die letzten 2 Tage mit Regen und viel Wind.Bei unseren Bäumen fliegen die Blätter nun mächtig ab,sieht oft aus als würde es schneien:-)
Am We melden sie hier bis in die Täler Schnee.
Fängt scheins früh an der Winter mit seiner weissen Pracht im Gegensatz zum letzen.

Gudl said...

Hier ist es heute auch sehr windig! Ich kann das nicht leiden!! Die Baeume hier im Wald rauschen dermassen!!
Es ist auch kalt geworden u fuer morgen ist Schnee angesagt!!

Today it is very windy here and I don't like that! Tomorrow we are supposed to have the first snow!! But temps will be in the lower 40s so it will not stay. ...

Shelly said...

I have a tree in my backyard that is just beginning to change colors!

Wanda said...

I had to click on the picture to make sure that was not a headless animal, but a stump!!
What a lovely forest you have!

Gudl said...

Wanda, you are too funny!!

Isadora said...

Yupp, that's about all we have left around here too, especially after the rain yesterday.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

still looks nice.

Olivier said...

une belle foret, qui invite à la promenade

A beautiful forest, which calls for a walk

Priscilla said...

looks peaceful

Angela Marie said...

I guess they call it Fall for a reason... the leaves are falling fast here.