Thursday, November 01, 2007


These leaves caught my eye. They were so red!
Diese Blaetter sind mir aufgefallen weil sie so dermassen rot waren!


Anonymous said...

Kannste Dich erinnern Gudrun?bei Tante Erika+Onkel Ernst in ihrem schönen Garten waren auch 2 davon die so rot waren.
Vorgestern war ich kurz dort,der eine hat fast garkeine Blätter mehr gehabt,der andere ist auch sehr licht.
Eine wahnsinns tolle Farbe das Rot

Mary Timme said...

Beautiful! Gorgeous! And lovely!

Lori said...

How lovely! It is especially pretty when you enlarge it. I like the contrast with the pine tree next to it. A beautiful shot!

Mike's Travels said...

Thay look so graceful, just floating there.

Kerri Farley said...

I am a softie for leaf shots... I just love them! These are beautiful!

Rachel said...

Very pretty!

Angela Marie said...


That is so pretty!

Wanda said...

Yes, like Mike said they look so graceful...Love it! :)

JO said...

Oh it has only been a few days and I already miss seeing those beautiful colors... you are lucky to live where you do... enjoy the seasons, I look forward to your blog so I can see it change :)

missing my family too

Hyderabad Daily Photo said...

Yes, it is eye-catching indeed. very pretty.

Olivier said...

cette belle couleur de l'automne. belle photo, je te souhaite un bon week-end

This beautiful color in the fall. Nice photo, I wish you a good weekend

Gudl said...

Hallo Jutta, ja ich kann mich erinnern wie schoen rot die werden.
Hier fallen die Blaetter auch maechtig!! Heute Nacht soll es hier zum ersten Mal Frost geben.

Thanks everybody for your friendly comments!

JAM said...

Simply beautiful.