Thursday, November 29, 2007

In the Woods/November Morning


Pedi said...

Guten Morgen!
Sehr schöne Perspektive!

Anonymous said...

Good morning.

You must have fallen down and struggled to get up when you happened to look through your viewfinder at the forest floor and snapped this great picture.

It looks cold there and the snow adds a winter dimension to the scene.

Nice photo.

Sorry about the fall.

Gudl said... made me laugh! Thank you!!

Martin Stickland said...

Cool and crispy! I like the way you have taken this shot at ground level or did the camera go off when you fell over?

Either way, it's a nice photo

Martin Stickland said...

Oh dear! I have just read Abraham's words after writing mine and it looks like I should have just copied and pasted his comment because mine is nearly the same!

Lori said...

A great idea for a shot! I'm going to have to try that angle.

Olivier said...

un bel angle pour cette photo, une bonne idée

A good angle for this photo, a good idea

Simone said...

Halloechen mal wieder,
du machst echt schoene Fotos...Happy belated Thanksgiving by the way.
Viele Gruesse an alle!!!

Olivier said...

Pour répondre à ta question sur l'intérieur de la cathédrale d'Evry, j'avais fait deux posts en Novembre 2006.

To answer your question on the interior of the cathedral of Evry, I made two posts in November 2006.

See Post 1

See Post 2

Kerri Farley said...

Love the perspective!!

Mike's Travels said...

I love those ground shots.

Luna und Luzie said...

Das ist ja ein tolles Foto! Außergewöhnlich...schön!
Hier regnet es mal wieder.
Im letzten Winter hatten wir etwa eine Woche nur ganz wenig Schnee. Vielleicht wird es in diesem Winter mal mehr.
Wir werden morgen die ersten Plätzchen backen.

Wanda said...

Great shot from the ground...Hope you didn't hurt yourself..Had to laugh at Abraham's comment!!!

Isadora said...

:) Not quite enough to ski on but it does look wintry.

JO said...


Priscilla said...

I thought maybe you just liked laying down on the ground!