Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Chicken News

Already a while ago the chicken found their 'winter resting place' behind our garage. When the real hard frost comes we are planning on putting hay bales against the walls of their chicken coop to keep them warm. The already have a heated water tank. On average we are now getting 6 eggs a day!
Schon vor ein paar Wochen haben die Huehner ihren Winterplatz hinter unserer Garage bekommen. Wenn der wirklich harte Frost kommt, dann wollen wir noch Heuballen gegen die Waende ihres Hauses stellen, um sie waermer zu halten. Schon jetzt haben sie einen beheizten Wasserbehaelter. Wir bekommen nun im Durchschnitt 6 Eier am Tag!


Kerri Farley said...

Wow - 6 eggs a day. That is fantastic! Hope they stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I love living the northern rural life through your blog. Chickens! Fresh eggs! Horses and all the rest. Very fun.

Anonymous said...

Klasse,6 Eier am Tag;
Das Gehege und der Stall sehen sehr schön und "gemütlich"aus:-) Habt Ihr toll gemacht für die glücklichen Hühner.
Von meiner zukünftigen Schwiegermutter die Hühner legen zur Zeit fast garkeine Eier,sie befinden sich in der Mauser,weniger schön für uns alle,bekommen wir keine Eier.

Lori said...

6 eggs a day! That's great. You can have omelettes every day! Your hens are getting to be very prolific.

Olivier said...

6 oeufs par jour, voila un bon rendement. Il faut en effet prévoir une protection pour ces poulets, l'hiver doit être très rude dans ta région

6 eggs per day, voila efficient. There was a need to provide protection for these chickens, winter must be very hard for your region

Anonymous said...

I like the chicken's new cage. You can go in during the day and hold them and play with them and stuff. Nice picture!

Mike's Travels said...

The chickens have hot water!? They are very posh.

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JO said...


Nice place the chickens found :)

Wolfgang said...

Da hast Du ja sehr fleißige Hühner. Bei mir legt nur ein Sussex Huhn. Die anderen haben das Legen eingestellt bzw. die Neuankömmlinge müssen erst noch ihr erstes Ei legen. Wünsche weiterhin noch viel Freude mit den Hühnern.

Vie Lipowski said...

It reminds me of my mom's chickens. 1 rooster with 6 hens.
Thanks for visiting my blog.

Anika said...

Hey! The chickens are famous! They are on one of my blogs too!

Isadora said...

:) So does my cousin. She has small bodied funky chickens that fly like birds. Which didn't help them a great deal when my cats were spending a month in her garden for "summer camp"

Pedi said...

Ich würde dir welche abkaufen!

Anonymous said...

In the winter when it gets really cold hens will often stop laying eggs. During World War II, mother used to leave a light bulb on in the henhouse. The light, more than the cold or warm temperatures caused them to start laying again.

JAM said...

Your chickens sure live the high life.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

You have the elements of a perfect life...Family, house, dog, horse,chickens and to top that off all situated in a forest. You are mightly blessed.