Friday, November 30, 2007

Blue Jay (Blauhäher)

Now that it is cold we have our bird feeders on the deck again and I see a lot of beautiful birds coming and going throughout the day.
This is my feeble attempt to capture their beauty. If you really want to see nice bird photos go to Abraham's Bird blog. (this is a link!)
Nun da es kalt ist u wir wieder unsere Futterhaeuschen aufgehaengt haben sehen wir viele schoene Voegel waehrend des Tages. Das ist mein klaeglicher Versuch ihre Schoenheit zu zeigen. Wenn ihr wirklich tolle Vogelbilder sehen wollt geht auf den "Abraham's Bird blog" link oben.


Anonymous said...

Hello. Well, if you take a bungee cord like people hold down car trunks with and put that around the tree and hook each end into the cage, then you can get bigger birds to perch there on the tree trunk and eat. I have two like that. I might just post a picture today.

Olivier said...

il est très beau, cette couleur bleue est magnifique. tu fais concurrence à notre ami oldmanlincoln ;o).

pour répondre à tes questions, cela coûte 3 euros la montée et en semaine, il y a environ 150/200 personnes par jour, cela marche bien.

Content que l'intérieur de notre cathédrale d'Évry te plaise, cette cathédrale moderne est vraiment très belle.

Je te souhaite un bon weekend

It is beautiful, this is beautiful blue color. You do compete with our friend oldmanlincoln ;o).

To answer your questions, it costs 3 euros and the rise during the week, there are about 150/200 people per day , it works fine.

Content that inside our cathedral in Evry you like, this modern cathedral are very nice.

I wish you a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Welch eine Pracht dieser Vogel.Bei uns sind fast nur Kohl und Blaumeisen,ab und zu mal ein Rotkehlchen,Grünfink und Dompfaff war auch mal kurz da.Ganz selten ein Eichelhäher oder ein Specht.
Sperlinge sprich Spatzen sieht man hier garkeine,seltsam wirklich.
Achja Kleiber haben wir auch jede Menge.
Ich erfreue mich sehr an unserem Vogelhäuschen,könnte da "Stundenlang"zusehen:-)

Anonymous said...

P.S.Das war ein Kommentar von mir,Jutta bei Dir steht nicht Sonstiges wie sonst immer??

Gudl said...

Hallo Jutta,
vielen Dank fuer deinen Kommentar. Ich habe nix geaendert im System. Beim zweiten Kommentar konntest du ja deinen Namen schreiben. Ist ja auch "Wurst".
Viel Spass morgen!! Hast du meine Karte erhalten?

T said...

ah a true blue jay!
we just get scrub jays here and nobody seems to know what a real blue jay looks like here...sad.
any way it is a very nice pic of him.

Lori said...

I love blue jays. There is one who seems to live sometimes in the trees next to my apartment building. He has a very loud voice. I can always tell he is there before I see him. The one in your photo is beautiful!

Mike's Travels said...

Gudl! That is no feeble attempt. It is beautiful. Well done. Have agreat weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an impressive picture!!!!

Priscilla said...

It's a beautiful picture!

Martha said...

I agree, the picture is great! maybe someday, when my cats are too old to catch birds, I will put up feeders too.

Pedi said...

Ja, tolles Foto! Kein kläglicher Versuch! :-)

Dunja said...

Nice pic...great camera.

JO said...

You got a great shot there! very NICE!

Abraham does have some gorgeous bird shots

Wanda said...

Lovely Gudl! Know Mr. Lincoln is proud of you! You both have great birds!!

Anonymous said...

I did post a picture of the bungee cord and suet cakes on my birds blog.

16 Ghosts on Bridge

Martin Stickland said...

Feeble attempt? are you mad!!!?? This is a great shot (Have you seen Oldman lincolns fantastic bird photos by the way?)

Have a nice weekend!!

Mirjam said...

Ein ganz tolles Foto!

Gemma said...

Das sieht doch super toll aus, von wegen "kläglicher Versuch"!!

Kerri Farley said...

I think you've captured this blue jay very well! Nice shot!