Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Winter Wonder Land... in April!

I took these photos yesterday afternoon. It looks like we got the most snow of everybody around! Heavy, wet snow. The snow plow guy had to come because our son got stuck in the driveway! Now we even have more of this white stuff! It snowed all night again! We need to get plowed out again!! This is crazy! But there is hope! Towards the end of the week the snow will be gone again I hear. It is already 35 degr. F.
Diese Fotos habe ich gestern nachmittag gemacht. Es sieht so aus, als haetten wir den meisten Schnee bekommen. Schweren, nassen Schnee. Der Schneepflug musste sogar kommen, denn unser Sohn hatte sich in der Einfahrt festgefahren! Nun haben wir sogar noch mehr von diesem weissen Zeug! Es hat die ganze Nacht geschneit! Wir muessen wieder freigebaggert werden ;-) Das ist verrueckt! Aber wir haben Hoffnung! Am Ende der Woche soll der ganze Schnee weggetaut sein habe ich gehoert. Es ist schon jetzt ueber Null Grad.


Olivier said...

c'est vraiment surprenant et impressionnant. j'adore la deuxieme photo, j'espere que tu n'avais rien laisse sur les fauteuils ;o)

it is really surprising and impressive. I adore the second photograph, I hope that you did not have anything leaves on the armchairs; O)

Rachel said...

I am amazed by your snow pictures! We're only about 40 min away, but don't have any on the ground. We had a dusting of snow yesterday, but now have just gotten rain, rain, rain. On Sunday it's supposed to be in the 60's (according to the computer)!

Lori said...

It's hard to believe, so much snow in April! You really have a beautful vantage point right on the edge of the forest. Beautiful photos!

Pedi said...

Wow, na hoffetlich schmilzt es recht bald! Liebe Grüsse

Martha said...

We have a little bit of snow and lots of water! I don't think the yard will ever dry out!

Gemma said...

Das ist bestimmt nur noch mal ein letztes starkes, verzweifeltes "Aufbäumen" des Winters! Wenn der Schnee bis Ende der Woche weggetaut ist, dann kommt BESTIMMT bei euch der Frühling!!!

Priscilla said...

Here I am in the same town as Gudrun...but not as much snow here.

Germanone93 said...


Markus said...

i drove out of salamanca looking very similar to this, but then i got to buffalo and there was no snow on the ground...then i landed in GErmany and its 70 degrees...yay

Steph said...

Isn't it amazing how much more snow we get up here on the hill? I am always amazed how once you get onto Goodale Road it's like you enter another climate sometimes!! The girls made a great snowman-- it was the best snow for that that we've had this year! Well, at least it was fun for them. Bring on the heat!!

Margie said...

Oh my!
So much snow!
We had some last weekend, but it was gone in a day!
Hope all is well in your life!

kristina said...

Oh no.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Oh I'm so sorry for you --- it's starting to warm up here -- just keep remember your vacation. :)

Lis vom Lindenhof said...

Ach du liebe Güte! Dann lieber mit der ersten Hitzewelle gekämpft als gegen diese Schneemassen!
LG Lis

Dunja said...

Kaum zu fassen.Hier ist es nur 1/4 soviel und das reicht mir schon.
I hope it will go away asap!!