Monday, April 09, 2007

This could be our next Summer Home ;-)

Fort Lauderdale has a lot of canals and you can ride along in a 'water taxi'. This is what you see on the boatride.
Ft. Lauderale hat viele Kanale und man kann sie in einem "Wassertaxi" befahren. So sieht es also auf der Boatfahrt aus.


Anonymous said...

I love all those big houses...must be hard to clean though!! Still, they are very pretty.

Markus said...

hey - happy belated easter. i was busy yesterday or i would have taken your call. hope you are havin a great time, see you later!

Lori said...

These photos are beautiful. They make all of us feel like jumping on a plane to a warm place. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

Pedi said...

sehr schönes Haus, ich verkaufe es gerade, falls ihr Interesse habt...?! ;-) Liebe Grüsse!

Rachel said...

I wanna come there!

Priscilla said...

looks great!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

once again, I wish I was with you! :)