Since Tuesday the workers are here, building the foundation for Miss Daisy-Mae's Barn!
It will be 'just right'. ... Today the barn will be delivered (we hope). It was built by an Amish Man "Josef". We went there and had a look at the progress of the barn building and it was a real pleasant experience. We met the whole family and we felt like we stepped back in time. They speak a German dialect! That was funny. The kids were very astonished that I could talk with them.
Anyway.... Daisy-Mae (our daughter's horse' name) will be pleased!
Seit Dienstag haben wir Arbeiter hier, die das Fundament fuer Miss Daisy-Maes Stall herstellen. Es soll alles richtig gemacht werden! Und heute soll der Stall geliefert werden (hoffen wir). Er wurde von einem Amish Mann gebaut, Josef ist sein Name. Wir sind dort hingefahren (1 Std. von hier) und haben geschaut, wie weit er mit dem Stallbau ist. Dort haben wir die ganze Familie angetroffen - sie sprechen einen deutschen Dialekt! - und es war ein schoenes Erlebnis. Es war so als wuerde man in der Zeit zurueckgehen. Jedenfalls denken wir, dass Daisy-Mae zufrieden sein wird (das Pferd unserer Tochter)!
So are you considered "English" (by the Amish) even though you're German?
Honestly, I don't know!! I only know they understood me and I understood them!
Der Name gefällt mir voll gut. Und ich hoffe, ich kann mich im Juni mal auf den Rücken des Pferdes schwingen...!? :-)
Bestimmt kannst du das, Pedi!
c'est un endroit où il n'y a que des allemands ? c'est sympathique d'avoir des voisins qui parlent le meme dialecte allemand que toi, un petit peu de nostalgie non ?
je te souhaite un bon weekend
it is a place where it has only German there? it is sympathetic nerve to have neighbors who speak the same German dialect that you, a little bit of nostalgia not? I wish you a good weekend
Das war bestimmt total interessant bei den Amish People. Ich kenne sie ja nur aus dem Fernsehen und finde es bewundernswert, wie sie es schaffen, heute noch so wie früher zu leben.
Heute beginnen im Rheingau übrigens die Schlemmerwochen. Ich habe gerade eine Einladung von unserem Oestricher Winzer im Briefkasten gefunden. Mal sehen, ob wir es dieses Jahr endlich mal schaffen, hinzugehen!
LG, Monika
Ja Monika, mach' mich nur neidisch ;-))
Viel Spass und guten Appetit!
Olivier - have a look at this link and read about the Amish people. It is very interesting!
There are lots of Amish farms in PA where my parents live and they have beautiful barns there. Daisy-Mae will have a lovely new home in the forest. You have quite a lot of animals there! That's so nice.
I was hoping for a picture of an Amish barn raising on your blog! I knew they spoke a dialect of German and wondered how close it was. Interesting. I suppose it might be like English speaking people communicating between the countries of the U.S., Australia, England...South Africa. For the most part we can communicate quite fine, but there are some differences.
Have you gone to the Mennonite Store called Sauders? I must take you there!!!
Ohhh, I do love this blogspot!!! A real live farm, chicken coops, horse barns and happy people.I am having a wonderful time watching the whole thing evolve, thank you so much for sharing. looks like a great undertaking already!
I can't wait 'till Daisy is here!
There are several Amish families moving to our part of the state (Kansas)... in fact, right up the road from us. And Priscilla, they are putting up new buildings, but I don't have any photos of the barn-raising. This particular group speaks English for sure... don't know if they also speak German or not.
Judie and Lori, thanks for your nice comments!
Priscilla, yes, let's go to that store one day. We can take the kids.
Everybody! The barn was indeed delivered. Tomorrow more!
If I were Daisy Mae, I'd be happy as can be.
There is an Amish dairy farm up the road from my inlaw's house. I've been there a few times when the horse and buggy go up the road...but never seem to be ready with my camera!
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