Sunday, December 17, 2006

Nature's Curls - Gruss an Tante Erika!!

Als ich diese "Locken" in unserem Wald sah, habe ich sofort an Tante Erika gedacht (die einen Friseurladen hatte, wo ich als Kind ausgeholfen habe) !!
Sind das nicht perfekte Schillerlocken?
When I saw these "curls" in our forest, I was immediately reminded of my Aunt Erika (who owned a hairdresser shop and I used to help out there when I was a child) !!
Aren't these perfectly done curls?


Priscilla said...

You have a talent for making the things quite interesting. I would have walked by these in the woods and never thought of taking a picture.

Rachel said...

Yes. those are perfectly done!

T said...

okay so is santa giving you a camera? cause you are sooooo talented!

Pedi said...

Hi, gestern abend hab ich Oma die neuen Einträge gezeigt. Findet sie toll!