The first photo shows a self-made Advent Calendar that my daughter made 5 years ago. Very detailed and cute! That's why we kept it and 're-use' it yearly.
The other one is a typical German Advent calendar with glitter, the kind we had when we were children. I found it here in the Hallmark store a few years ago.Enlarge the photos! It's worth it!
Das erste Bild zeigt einen selbstgemachten Adventskalender, den meine Tochter vor 5 Jahren gebastelt hat. Er ist sehr detailliert und goldig! Deshalb haben wir ihn behalten und haengen ihn jedes Jahr wieder auf.
Der andere ist ein typisch deutscher Adventskalender mit Glitter. Diese Art Kalender hatten wir schon, als wir Kinder waren. Ich fand diesen vor ein paar Jahren hier im Hallmark-Laden. Vergroessert die Fotos! Es lohnt sich!
Yes, this adventcalender looks like the one we had as kids! Nice revival!
Melissa's is cute !Nice job!
Der von Melissa ist sehr sehr godlig :-)
yes, she made it when she was 6! She was a little girl.
The one by Melissa is so cute. I love remembering those days. I have several homemade ornaments that I hang on the tree that they made. Audra asked why I hang them up. I said, "When you are a mother some day, you will understand."
I hang my kid's old home made ornaments too. It's fun to remember when they were made.
I used to like advent calendars not only because they were fun to look at, but for the pieces of chocolate in them.
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