Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our Ladies ;-)

As many of you know we have only two chickens left right now, but they are living comfortably in the coop, with a heat lamp. Every now and then we get one egg! But soon we will order new baby chicks! The names of the ladies are "Survivor" and "Bibbi".
Wie viele ja wissen, wir haben nur noch zwei Huehner, "Survivor" (weil sie eine Woche im kalten Winter draussen auf der Flucht ueberlebt hat!!) u "Bibbi". Sie leben gemuetlich mit einer Heizlampe in ihrem Huehnerstall u ab u zu legen sie ein Ei.
Bald bekommen wir neue Babyhuehnchen.


Mary Timme said...

Oh does that remind me of spring.

Mary Timme said...

Because of the baby chicks I mean! It didn't make sense before, I suspect. sorry!

Wanda said...

Baby chicks..... hope you will post them.

Pedi said...

Wo sind denn die anderen Hühner, alle verspeist???

Anonymous said...

We used to do this when I was young during WWII. We got our new chicks from Sears and Roebuck and they came by mail or in the mail. We ate the hens that stopped laying eggs.

Dunja said...

They are a riot I

Mike's Travels said...

Must be so much fun, eating your own it were :) lol

JO said...

YEAH Baby chicks! Man! I sure miss my chicken... they are fun and those eggs are delicious!

Wolfgang said...

solche Barthühner finde ich vom Aussehen her toll. Ich habe momentan einen Mix von vier verschiedenen Rassen. So erbarmt sich zu jeder Jahreszeit ein Huhn und legt ein Ei.