Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pole Bending in the Pouring Rain

Diese Fotos sind von Sonntag, da ist M. beim Reitturnier 4. geworden in dieser Disziplin, wo man um diese Pfeiler reiten muss, hin u her u dann ganz schnell zurueck. Es hat in Stroemen geregnet, aber es hat ihr trotzdem gefallen.
These photos are from Sunday, where our daughter was competing in the Open Game Show of our County Fair. She came in 4th in this event and said it was still fun!


Anonymous said...

Gratuliere Dir Melissa siehst gut aus mit Pferd auf den Fotos,war sicher nicht gerade einfach bei dem Wetter.

Anonymous said...

what a trouper in the rain! I love looking at the large versions of the pics. you can see the determination and all the rain.

Mary Timme said...

Pole bending is hard in nice weather let alone in the rain! Good for the team of horse and rider.

Wanda said...

Wow! I would be so proud!! She looks wonderful.

Anika said...

haha. the faces are so funny...well Daisy just looks weird, but Melissa looks fuunnnyyy. Daisy has a different saddle pad, breast collar, and girth on, I noticed...

Olivier said...

un beau slalom, et l'important est de se faire plaisir.

a beautiful slalom, and the important thing is to have fun.

JO said...

WOW! Very cool! 4th is GREAT for a first timer - she should be proud. :)

Pedi said...

Glückwunsch Melissa, das ist ja ein schöner Erfolg! Ja, wenn man die Bilder vergrössert sieht man deutlich den starken Regen!

Anonymous said...

Klasse Melissa, super gemacht.
Ich bin gestern nvon Picasso runtergefallen und zwar ziemlich nheftig.Nun sitz ich hier und alles tut mir weh...

Pedi said...

Oh je, gute Besserung Daniela!

Martha said...

It certainly has been a soggy week. Congrats to Mellimouse!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

That's a true horse lover....not letting a little rain get in the way of her riding :)