This is our friend Jean who won 2nd place in the Stuart Horse Trials in Victor NY just yesterday. It was great to watch her ride!
You go girl!!
Das ist unsere Freundin die gerade gestern erst den 2.Platz belegt hat in den Stuart Horse Trials (Reitturnier) in Victor NY. Es war toll sie reiten zu sehen! Mach weiter so Maedchen!!
What an amazing friend, and I just love her horse, what a magnificent animal :)
Great pictures! I can't believe how far away we were from that jumping picture and it looks like we were right there. Congratulations Jean!
Wow! What a great rider! Say hi to her.
That must be so very exciting ~~ She looks great, and a beautiful horse too.
Nice pictures.
Congrats to her! Lovely pics - looks like it was a beautiful day
I'm so glad you post in German and English. I'm trying to brush up my German -- which was never very extensive, and this really helps.
oh thats cool! awesome!! yay for bubba and jean!
These are nice photographs. I also liked your post yesterday.
Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville Daily Photo
Voll cool!!
das wuerd ich auch mal machen mit dem richtigen Pferd!
Picasso ist zu nervoes dazu...leider.
Congrats from me too.
Looks like fun. Congratulations!
yes, that would be fun to watch!
bravo pour ce reportage sportif et surtout félicitation pour cette deuxième place. elle doit être très heureuse.
bravo for this story sports and especially congratulations for this second place. it must be very happy.
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