On Monday Daisy-Mae got picked up by our daughter's 4H leader, because this week she will have the Evaluation for the County Fair and for that she had to be trailered to her old place. First she was a little skeptical and she stopped and acted like 'no way, I am not going on this thing' , but M. talked her through and very quickly she was on the trailer and ... gone. It is a strange feeling to not have her around, however, on the other farm is a big riding arena and many trails and horses and she has A LOT of fun there!! Enlarge the photos and see how Daisy trusts her owner!!
Daisy-Mae ist in Urlaub! Am Montag wurde sie von ihrem frueheren Besitzer abgeholt, damit sie diese Woche an der offiziellen Beurteilung u Zulassung zum Kreis-Wettkampf teilnehmen kann. Unsere Tochter wird sie naemlich in 3 Wochen auf einer Show zeigen u reiten. Daher ist sie nun in ihrem alten Stall, wo es ihr gut gefaellt, weil da eine grosse Reitanlage, fuer innen u aussen ist, und auch andere Pferde. Erst war Daisy etwas skeptisch, u es sah so aus als wuerde sie keinen Schritt weiter gehen, aber M. hat ihr gut zugeredet u ganz schnell war Daisy auf dem Anhaenger! Wenn man die Fotos vergroessert, sieht man, wie Daisy ihrer Besitzerin vertraut. Es ist ein komisches Gefuehl, dass das Pferd weg ist, denn immerhin war sie nun seit einem Jahr immer hier. Gut, dass sie bald wieder heim kommt!!
Bye Daisy. Have fun.
beau photo reportage, et bonne vacances a miss Daisy Mae.
beautiful photo reportage, and good holidays a miss Daisy Mae.
Viel Spass Daisy
Wow - what a gentle trailer loading experience! M. has the best way with her, doesn't she? It would a far less elegant (call it, perhaps, embarrassing?) event to (try to) trailer the donkeys...there's an awful lot of coaxing and prodding and pushing and lifting and begging and tugging going on to get those little beasties trailered-up! :-)
Those were great shots of Daisy and M getting reading for the trip... She's know her business, that girl.
Hallo Melissa, hallo Gudrun,
mit dem Pferdeverladen, das kenne ich, ist immer wieder aufregend; aber Melissa hat das gut gemacht, prima.
Liebe Grüße
It's like sleep-away camp for horses! Sounds like fun. Your daughter has such a nice way with horses. I can see her working with animals as a future career. I hope Daisy Mae has a good vacation!
What a sweet gently horse...your daughter has a way with her...I've seen horses go wild trying to put them in these trailers...
What a wonderful relationship Daisy Mae and Mel have. I love seeing pics of the two of them together.
I bet it's a little sad without there to of them there in the Little House in the Forest.
I can't wait to see and read more about the Evals and her and Daisy Mae's adventures at the 4H areanas and trails! How exciting!
I could use a vacation, but I wouldn't want to ride on that. :)
Could you imaginge what might go through our dear pets minds when they go on a trip like this. I know when my little sophie girl is in the car with me and I get out, she starts screaming! It is embarressing... she is so dramatic!
Daisy Mae took it very well I can see. She does trust her owner! I hope she has a wonderful vacation! And I hope M. does very well at the County Fair!
a nice opportunity for horse and rider to advance.Good luck.
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