Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Bug Life II

This is a golden looking bug I found last week. Gregor? A name for this one? :-)
Das ist ein golden aussehender Kaefer den ich letzte Woche gesehen habe. Vielleicht findet Gregor ja wieder den Namen!


Lori said...

I love that shot! He's perfectly placed right in the middle of the flower. How pretty. (I'd say it's some type of beetle, but I'm no bug expert!)

T said...

thanks for the pick! I just saved it for my screen saver at work.
sorry I do not get to write or comment often. but believe me I do read.

Olivier said...

belle photo, j'aime le fond flou autour de la fleur et cet hanneton.

beautiful photo, I like the background blur around the flower and this beetle.

Dorothy said...

Looks like Gregor is having a good ole time...sweet little photo Gudl...

Rachel said...

That looks like a Japanese Beetle to me. They have been destroying our trees. Hopefully you don't get lots of those things. They start as grubs and that is the best time to kill them. We covered our cherry tree with a mosquito net so they can't eat it all up this year.

Amrita said...

Hi Gudl. Lovely photos.The gals look great on the lake and Fair.

I look at all your picures but comment on one as its chaper for me due to my dial up connection.

Dunja said...

I think Rachel you are right.These bugs are pests, not pretty.I mean maybe they look interesting but they are harmful.

Pedi said...

Ich finde Krabbeltiere auch im Großen und Ganzen nicht so toll, allerdings aus der Ferne betrachtet und mit genug Abstand kann man an vielem was man sonst "eklig" findet etwas Schönes finden. Die können ja auch nix dafür dass sie sind, was sie sind

Unknown said...

Hey that's a neat picture.