Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cat & Squirrel Play

On Tuesday my husband and I watched Groenemeyer on our patio as he tried to figure out whether a squirrel is a friend or an 'enemy'. It was funny!! Enlarge the photos to see!
Am Dienstag haben mein Mann u ich Groenemeyer auf unserer Terrasse beobachtet, wie er sich fuer ein Eichhoernchen interessiert hat. Er wusste nicht, ob es ein Freund oder ein Feind ist, das war lustig anzusehen! Vergroessert das Foto!


HannaPurzel said...

Sind das schöne Bilder!!!! Toll beobachtet! Du aber auch Eurer Grönemeyer ;o))))
Herzlichste Grüsse

Priscilla said...

Oh I haven't been on the blogs in so long. I read all of your posts that I missed. They were all wonderful. Happy belated birthday to G and M. The Easter posts were touching.

I feel very out of touch with you! God bless!

Cute and funny pictures of the squirrel and cat. If I were the squirrel...I would be a little nervous about cats.

Olivier said...

belle photo ;o) bien vue

Dorothy said...

Good morning Gudl...Love the pictures...nature is so beautiful to watch...It looks as though you have sunshine melting the snow..I hope so...Have a beautiful day...
Dee Dee

Lori said...

Those pictures are just adorable! I hope Groenemeyer decided the squirrel was a friend. He is such an entertaining cat!

stadtgarten said...

Da wäre es interessant zu wissen, wer vor wem mehr Angst hatte!?
Normalerweise haben Katzen und Eichhörnchen ja nicht so viele Berührungspunkte!
Tolle Bilder!
Liebe Grüße, Monika

Abby said...

Aww, how funny, how cute!

Mike's Travels said...

That is precious! LOL

Rachel said...

I'll bet they were fun to watch! I love watching how animals interact with each other!

kristina said...

lol. Very funny! Squirrels used to taunt my cats when I had a balcony.

HannaPurzel said...

Ich wieder...
Du hast ein Stöckchen von mir bekommen ;o))) Vielleicht hast Du ja Lust es zu nehmen?
Ganz liebe grüsse
Ps. Jaaaaaa, die Mädchen müssen natürlich auch spülen! Jeder hat Spül- und Trockendienst!

JO said...

Very very cute pics - that squirrel is pretty brave - Cats are FAST!