This crucifixion group is outside my hometown church in Kiedrich/Rheingau - Germany.
When I was young I hardly paid attention to it. Now I wonder and think that people must really have loved and honored the Lord hundreds of years ago to built such a big monument for him - inside the church and outside. Today I wish I would have looked at it more and pondered the meaning of it; it would have helped me in years past. But now I am glad that ' I was lost but now I am found'....
Diese Kreuzigungsgruppe befindet sich im Kirchhof meiner Heimatgemeinde Kiedrich im Rheingau. Als ich jung war habe ich sie kaum beachtet. Heutzutage wundere ich mich u denke darueber nach, was die Menschen damals bewegt hat unserem Herrn Jesus so ein grosses Denkmal zu setzen (auch innen in der Kirche befindet sich ein grosses Kreuz), sie muessen den Heiland sehr geliebt haben. Heute denke ich, ich wollte ich hatte schon frueher ueber die Bedeutung des Kreuzes nachgedacht, es haette mir in vergangenen Jahre geholfen. Trotzdem bin ich froh dass ich es nun gefunden haben... wie in dem Lied 'Amazing Grace'.
I like the way you have presented this photo and the sculptures. I have seen countless pictures like this that depict the Lord on the cross.
I have always wondered why they chose to kill him on the cross. But I do not know of all the other ways people were killed in those days. I know the story of the harlot and casting the first stone so I guess people were killed by stoning.
And John lost his head to a sword but I don't know what other methods of execution there were.
Anyway. Thanks for posting this today.
Have a nice Easter with friends and family.
You can see a map of where I live on my brookville blog and how I plan to spend some of my royalty check.
... sehr berührend und gleichzeitig erschreckend...
Wenn wir in die Kirche gehen sagt Hanna immer wieder, mit Blick zum gekreuzigten Jesus: Mama, der Jesus hat aber ganz schön Schmerzen, oder?! Und immer wieder erzähle ich ihr die Geschichte. Gestern haben wir die 10 Gebote im Fernsehen geschaut (natürlich nicht die vollen 5 Stunden), und Hanna holte ihre Kinderbibel und zeigte uns einige der Geschichten, die dort abgebildet sind. Es freut mich sehr, dass sie sich dafür interessiert!
Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen ieben besinnliche Ostern!!!
Ganz liebe Grüsse!
A lot touching action the confession, they say that cannot the person forgive alone his sins, and however this is easy but him does not make no one.
Only few with virtues him accomplish this. These are the persons that shrive front the persons, those that truly regret, those that were lost and now are here, those that believe that never they are not late!
Dear Gudl, perhaps the few hours that remain for the Resurrection of Christ they are the cause that am so much touched, but reading him post and seeing this beautiful cluster that resembles divine me made give this comment!
The god it blesses you and your family!
Happy Easter!
Magnificent Sculptures! I bet they really put you in awe once you are standing in front of them. thanks for sharing!
God Bless you and yours this holy week.
Happy Easter :)
Hi Gudl...I don't believe I have ever seen anything quite so amazing...Incredibly well done..Do you know the artist? I do wish for you and your lovely Easter blessings...Dee Dee
That is a most exquisite sculpture. When something holds deep meaning for us, it is all the more beautiful.
Abe was wondering about why the cross ~~ two reasons I can think of...both prophecies ~~ Isaiah said he would die on a cross, and also that he would die like a common criminal ~~ both came true!
Thanks for a inspiring post ~~ I'm so happy many bloggers know the Lord.
Hallo Gudl, ich war schon lange nicht mehr in der Kiedricher Kirche. Beim nächsten Mal werde ich mir aber bestimmt diese 3 Kreuze ganz genau angucken (Du hast recht, man nimmt vieles gar nicht so bewusst wahr) und dabei werde ich bestimmt auch an Dich denken!
Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie ein schönes Osterfest!
Liebe Grüße, Monika
Dear Wanda and Oldmanlincoln,
thank you for your comments.
Wanda, I thought the same, that Isaiah predicted Jesus' death. That he would be lifted up etc. ... Isaiah 52 and 53. He died in fulfillment of the scriptures. Also, that's what the Romans did at that time as a punishment or method of death.
In any case, thanks for your visits and I wish you all a happy Easter, too.
I feel the same - did you see my friday post on my photo blog?
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