Sunday, October 07, 2007

Burg Scharfenstein

This is the almost 1000 year old tower of a castle that used to stand there overlooking the river Rhine.
It lies outside of my hometown "Kiedrich" in the Rhinevalley.
I just got back from my trip home. It was great. But now I am tired!!
Alle Kiedricher wissen ja was das fuer ein Turm ist!!
Ja, die Gudl ist wieder gut daheim angekommen, ist muede, aber ist schon am bloggen! ;-)
Gute Nacht!!


Heather said...

Beautiful. Glad you had a great trip.

Pedi said...

Schön, schon was von dir zu lesen!
Irgendwie unwirklich, heute vor einer Woche waren wir zusammen bei Aldi :-)

Abby said...

I'm glad you're home!!!!!

Martha said...

Can you go inside the tower? It looks intriguing.

judi/Gmj said...

Welcome back, I'd say home but didn't you just come from there? :) What is growing in the fields around and in front of the tower?

Gudl said...

Yes, one can go inside the tower, but rightnow it is under renovation/construction. You have a great view from up there over the whole Rhine Region.
The plants around it are vineyards.

Olivier said...

belle photo, avec ce château au milieu, une carte postale

beautiful photograph, with this castle in the medium, a postcard

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you that you got home and back safely. Nice photo of the valley and the tower.

Wanda said...

I'm so glad you had a good trip. The photo is lovely. You have a beautiful "birthplace" home!! Now take a nap...know you're pooped! ((smile))

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I've been down that river and fell in love with the view. This makes me want to go back! :)

Shelly said...

My daughter and hubby would LOVE to visit there!!! Course I would to, but I'd like to travel just about anywhere! ;)

Anonymous said...

Herrlich dieses Bild,aufgenommen mit mir zusammen am Neuen Friedhof in Kiedrich gelle Gudrun.
Es war ein sehr schöner Mittag mit uns 2

Gudl said...

Ja, Jutta, das war am Samstag Nachmittag mit dir. Es war ein sehr schoener Spaziergang. So schoenes Wetter u herrlicher Ausblick; ich war wirklich etwas wehmuetig.
Aber nun bin ich doch froh wieder hier 'daheim' zu sein!! Beide Seiten des Ozeans haben ihre schoene Seiten!

JAM said...

That's what I love about seeing photos from Europe, there are many churches, homes, and other buildings that had life in them before Columbus even hit our shores. We think something that is 200 years old is OLD. But compared to that, it's nothing.

Angela Marie said...

What was the tower used for?

Well... you know that saying?
You play, now you pay. That is why you are tired. It always takes me a while to recoup. The older I get, the longer it takes. Wanda amazes me! I really want her energy! The things I could get done! Whew!